Thursday, December 23, 2004


The state of flux , in between is a constant state, once you are out of your comfort zone, you have two choices -- to return or stay out and decide where one will go in the new state. The new state provides its share of ups & down -- but it is a path chosen, not a path dictated.

She looks up at the shimmering Chicago skyline
The freezing wind rushes past her face
a girl in the city, a city in the girl
she pulls down her cap, and quickens her pace

It is early evening, and already in the dark
She surveys her kingdom, ancient and new
It is the path that I have chosen, she says
but those thoughts are fleeting and few

Ten o’ clock meetings, nine’o clock parties
She rarely misses the intolerable heaviness of the monsoon heat
Then there is Shakrukh, Rani and the Messrs Karan and Yash
Immigrant angst – ha - nothing that some song and dance couldn’t beat

Between here and now, then and there
Traversing brave new worlds and imaginary homelands
Continents, oceans, and the taste of the tongue
Seamlessly, yet in flux, she knows where she stands

The air is thick with the spirit and the spoils of Christmas
People talk, their breath spiralling into the wintry night
She waves, smiles at her friend across the street
and as she walks, she catches the debris of falling light.


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